Guaranteed college admission in ninth grade?

California State University, Fresno is offering college admission to public high school students as early as the ninth grade in hopes of creating a college-going mindset and increasing enrollment.

The changing nature of ‘merit’ aid at public institutions

Public colleges and universities are increasingly providing tuition discounts for wealthier students through non-need-based “merit” aid. The trend is exacerbating disparities in college access for lower-income students, experts say.

Putting college within reach for rural students

Students from rural communities face multiple barriers to higher education, including long commutes, financial strain, and a lack of academic support. New programs are finding ways to shrink those obstacles.

New index ranks colleges based on their economic diversity

The New York Times has released data on trends in the enrollment of low-income students at top colleges across the country. While some selective colleges and universities have enrolled more economically disadvantaged students, others are backsliding.