Report: Invest in higher ed, career prep to open more equitable pathways to good rural jobs

Georgetown’s Center on Education and the Workforce finds that rural adults are just as likely as urban adults to have good jobs, many in blue-collar occupations that do not require a college degree. While that employment outlook may dampen enthusiasm for college, researchers caution that higher education is essential to creating economic opportunity.

A new home for the Office of Student Equity & Inclusion

Located on the lower level of New South, the new community space will serve as a hub for Georgetown centers that support students from historically underrepresented communities and promote a diverse and inclusive campus.

Report: Racial, gender gaps persist despite degree attainment gains

A new report from the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce finds that the share of U.S. adults with college degrees has increased across all demographic groups, but ongoing gaps between white adults and adults from historically underrepresented groups fuel disparities in lifetime earnings that weaken the U.S. economy.

The changing nature of ‘merit’ aid at public institutions

Public colleges and universities are increasingly providing tuition discounts for wealthier students through non-need-based “merit” aid. The trend is exacerbating disparities in college access for lower-income students, experts say.