Georgetown offers winter and summer housing to students encountering personal challenges

Higher-than-usual demand for on-campus housing since fall 2022 and steep rent increases nationwide have left students at U.S. colleges and universities, particularly low-income students, struggling to find stable housing. To ensure current undergraduates experiencing challenging circumstances continue to have access to campus resources, Georgetown University is offering a limited amount of bridge housing during winter and summer breaks when most of the university’s residential housing is typically closed or limited.

Related: Housing crunch leaves U.S. college students with few options >

Students eligible for bridge housing include those who lack safe or stable housing because their family is staying in temporary housing or shelter, their home is physically unsafe, they are determined to be an independent student by Georgetown’s Office of Student Financial Services, their home country is experiencing political conflict, or they are facing other personal challenges that have resulted in housing insecurity. Georgetown staff will determine student eligibility on an individual basis and provide support tailored to each student’s unique circumstances.

Beyond bridge housing, summer accommodations are available to students taking classes for credit over the summer term, who may apply for need-based aid at the Office of Student Financial Services. Summer housing is also available to undergraduates in Student Staff positions and students pursuing summer internships and fellowships, particularly those administered by Georgetown’s Center for Research and Fellowships (CRF), which offers funding for housing and food during the summer.

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