Georgetown University launching on-campus food pantry

Georgetown University has announced plans for an on-campus food pantry to support members of the university community experiencing food insecurity. Slated to open in early October, the Hoya Hub will be located on the fourth floor of the university’s Leavey student center. The pantry will stock nonperishable foods, and its policies will prioritize access and anonymity.

Led by Caroline Barnes (C’19) and advised by Erika Cohen-Derr, assistant vice president for student affairs, the team working on the pantry hopes the project will eventually grow to encompass other aspects of food insecurity. “Once we’re really up and running, we want there to be programming, we don’t just want this to be a place where you can come to go and get food,” Madison Alvarez (F’21), project vice chair, told The Hoya. Matt Hill, Georgetown’s media relations manager, reinforced that the university “will continue broader dialogue about food insecurity across our campus so we can ensure the university is addressing the needs of community members seeking additional food resources.”

Interested in supporting the Hoya Hub food pantry? Donations will be used to purchase non-perishable food items, grocery gift cards, shelving, and storage containers to create a safe and sustainable resource for the Georgetown University community. Give to the Hoya Hub.

The Hoya
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