$20M gift for educational innovation aims to make experiential learning ‘the new norm for every Georgetown student’

A $20 million gift from Patricia and Jon (C’64) Baker (Parents’81, ’91, ’94) will enable Georgetown University to develop a new paradigm of learning that engages, adapts, and responds to the complex needs of the 21st century.

The gift establishes the Baker Trust for Transformational Learning, which will “serve as an integrative force, helping to drive change by working across boundaries to enhance the student learning experience equitably, so that it is the new norm for every Georgetown student,” says Vice Provost for Education Randall Bass, who will oversee the new initiative.

He notes that experiential learning has historically happened as an additional activity outside a student’s normal coursework—extra” opportunities that not all students are able to pursue. “The Baker Trust seeks to build experiential opportunities into the educational journey,” Bass says, “so that they’re available to everybody, they’re equitable, they’re universal, and they’re powerful.”

Learn more about The Baker Trust and about Georgetown’s work in educational innovation.

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